Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Rah Rah B.H.O!!!

Like many others for sure, I was glued to my television set till the wee hours of the morning! Change has finally arrived, and how! What a day in the history of the USA as well as the world- Barack Hussain Obama becomes USA' s 44th President and the first black to have ever been. The swelling crowd of people were testimony to the popularity, and more importantly the need for this man to lead the nation.

The enthusiasm was fabulous- I've never seen Americans so happy! All I could see were happy faces of so many different colours. And Obama proved that America is truly a big democratic and free country, where a middle-class black man can dream of becoming the President and goes on to be one.

When he gave his speech, he didn't really give great statements, but what he spoke held the promise of a grand and honest future. And as of now, this is really what his countrymen needed to hear. His voice carried the conviction of his heart and it was felt by each and everyone. I'm sure the Americans were, after a long time, confident in their ability to choose well, as they were in his ability to deliver. It was almost like the stale dusty air that had covered the country was being cleared and a whiff of freshness had started to flow back in... good triumphing over evil, light over darkness... one could almost imagine rainbows as the sun shone brightly over a country that has been so steeped with communalism, hatred, rife and economic meltdown.As Obama and his wife Michelle walked down Pennsylvania Avenue route taking them to the White House, there was a genuine respect and love that was felt in the air between them and the citizens who had been standing for that one glimpse since 4am!
This is truly a great time for all Americans right now. And the enthusiasm is infectious!

ps: They've got such neat Obama merchandise, me wants too!


Menagerie said...

hey, its menagerie, follow me here, trying something new :D

I was on a high on Jan 20th, infectious enthusiasm indeed :)

Anonymous said...


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BTW I help out some ex-IIMA guys who with another batch mate run where you can post links to your most loved blog-posts. Rambhai was the chaiwala at IIMA and it is a site where users can themselves share links to blog posts etc and other can find and vote on them. The best make it to the homepage!

This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)


Wanderer said...

* Menagerie: Good to hear from you babes! Lonnnng time! :)

* Ray: Thanks a ton for that link! Will definitely look it up.... For some reason your blog seems blank. Is it a settings error?