Tuesday, February 28, 2006


You must have thought that 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' contradicts with 'out of sight- out of mind'.... right??? (can see your heads nodding an 'aye')....Think again!

They are both the same...


Ok... When that special person left or went away, his/her absence made your heart grow fonder....(am i rt? or were u so damn happy that u threw a party??)........... And now when that person is out of sight, are you not out of your mind??? :)

hmmm.... ponder ye all... for what seems may not be....

A new moon on the last day of an unleap month of this year... hehe... no, there is no connection.... but magic can happen sometimes... and it did!!! My prayers are being answered...

so thank you god! (ps: please to listen some more and harder so that the next time I don't get a half-way thru break, but a complete jackpot!!!)...... Did I just hear you say Amen? :)))

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