Wednesday, March 29, 2006


One of my closest friend's birthday this post is dedicated specially to her!

a storm cloud
that passes by
before turning into rain
showering love
and sometimes tears of pain

a madness of a moonlit sky
bringing out laughter
that begins deep inside
and spills out
through the breach of an eye

a comfort of warm sunshine
that makes flowers bloom
as do friendships
of the soul
that wither all gloom

a raging torrent
that sweeps all along
and speaks of passion
unexplained and unknown
and only wants to belong

a sum of all these
and more…
an all-weather friend I possess
hither she comes and goes
a crazy but wonderful demi-goddess

Happy Birthday with love!!! :)


Anonymous said...

"The sky is no longer out there, but it is right on the edge of the space you are in. The sense of colour is generated inside you. If you then go outside you will see a different coloured sky. You colour the sky."
...thanks for always colouring my skies with your love, mochachampa!

Wanderer said...

finally saw ur post! :)
Love u too!!!!