Friday, March 31, 2006

I think....therefore I am....

One of my closest friends once told me, " think too much!"

Hmm. I do.

I can't help it. The wheels in my brains keep churning over and over again... from the smallest to the macro level, my mind runs through every thought, idea, perception and dream. And I won't apologise for it, because this very tiresome thinking has bailed me out many times, put me on guard on many people, made me understand few hard facts of life...

And today I am thinking that why am I really writing on this blog? To listen to my own voice? Am I writing it for myself, as an outlet to my soul? Or is it because I seem to want to share with the world, every little bit of myself?

Because I don't know who really regularly reads this blog except for me... The people who don't know me need not be interested, and the people who do, for some reason are really not keen... So why get into this megalomaniacal narcissistic mode of reading the self's blah every night and day?

Hey, but I am not sad…
I’m just a little mad.
A bit crazy and in a tizzy,
buzzing like a bumble bee
atop an old orange tree.
Singing a tune of a distant dream, far from ur realm.....

With stars as my eyes
And the wind as my wings
I live …
Is this life I wonder when I hear
The song that the human race sings
As they believe…
What is today will never come again
Yet who knows what tomorrow brings
We are but pebbles in life’s sieve…


Menagerie said...

For one , I do :)

Nice post !

Wanderer said...

Menagerie: <...danke, shukran, grazie, thanks and dhanyavaad....:)>